The Lactic Peel 30%

The Lactic Peel 30%

Lactic Acid is known as the least harsh type of peel in the Alpha Hydroxy Acid family. It serves as a catalyst for the formation of new collagen, which will reduce age spots, sun damage, and other skin imperfections. Unlike other peels (such as Glycolic Acid) Lactic Acid peels are extra gentle and good for even the most sensitive skin while still offering powerful exfoliation and skin rejuvenation.

Exfoliates dead, dull, surface skin resulting in immediate clarity, Treats hyper-pigmentation, skin discolorations, sun/age/dark spots, rosacea and melasma Treats acne, large pores, and scars Brightens & lightens skin, evening out skin tones Improves skin elasticity and the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and age spots Stimulates natural collagen production Improves skin hydration, moisture, and texture Rejuvenates and smooth skin, promoting a younger and healthier complexion With our Lactic Acid you can rejuvenate your skin by loosening the bonds that hold dead skin cells to your skin and stimulate collagen and new fresh skin growth. Hydrate, Moisturize, Brighten, and Rejuvenate your skin with our All-Natural Lactic Acid Peels.

Lactic acid peel a better choice for sensitive skin. Best Choice of Lactic 15% for First time Peel user. Minimizes the appearance of fine lines Wrinkles by stimulating collagen growth hyper-pigmentation and premature aging Evens skin tone and minimize areas of discoloration
